Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Just one of those things.

Right now in my life, I am extremely worried, which causes most of my time to be spent with little energy to use for school and my jobs.  I would not like to get a job in any sort of field that is not academic right now, but I am having trouble getting into Graduate Schools.

But I have hit one of those rare moments where things are fitting together as best they can.

Being manic at 10:00PM with a Diff Eq exam and a huge paper tomorrow. Having energy and motivation right when I need it. It's a wonderful thing.

Saturday, August 16, 2008


There's nothing like a bath of fire to get this deep down dirt out of me.
I'm trying to understand the layout code.  It's hard.

I'm having tons and tons of trouble with my in-laws.

Quiznos time.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

My life currently.

I am a Student.
I recently finished putting together a presentation on DNA computing.  I used Keynote, but I might as well have used Pages.  I ignored most of Keynote's features; I merely prepared it for PDF consumption.  As such, I copied slides using white squares to hide content. I never opened Inspector. I never used Smart Builds. Here is a Google Docs published version of the presentation.